Surge Protectors. Have you ever thought about what happens if lightning hits a utility pole near your property or if a surge occurs because of load shedding or a power line breaking? The sudden increase in voltage, even if just for a few milliseconds, can damage fridges, freezers, computers, televisions, entertainment systems, lights, and more.
That damage can quickly exceed R1 million in damages, depending on the quantity and quality of equipment you have installed on your property. Thankfully, there are three ways to protect your property from all but the worst electrical surges.
Surge Protectors – The easy way
The first method is the easiest, and you can do it on your own without an electrician or any installations. Individual circuit surge protectors can be bought in most hardware stores, and offer some protection from an electric surge. These devices tend to look like a multiplug, with on/off switches for each socket. These surge protectors have a built-in grounding wire, and some of them will have an indicator light to show if they need to be replaced.
The issue with these systems is that they are designed to handle small fluctuations in power, and they can be overloaded and not prevent the damage. They also can’t protect those large appliances that are hardwired directly.
However, these systems are much better than having no surge protection at all.
The better way
The better option is to install a whole-house surge protector. This device is installed directly into your property’s distribution board. Once installed, your appliances are protected from any external power surge as all electricity entering your house passes through this system first.
These hardwired devices are rated to protect against a 40,000 amp surge, much more than the plug-based surge protectors. This also protects hardwired appliances and works well to negate the brunt of large surges.
The best way
The best method is to use both of the above options in tandem. Even the best whole-house surge protector can allow some excess energy through (electricity loves to go where it wants!). If that happens, the plug-based surge protectors can stop the remainder of the surge, preventing more sensitive and expensive equipment from being damaged.

Properties can experience hundreds of surges a year without you noticing, as small surges can happen without apparent damage. Then, months later, suddenly, an appliance won’t want to turn on, and you won’t know why. It is essential to protect against surges because they can happen often and are often invisible!
Prevention is much cheaper than replacing a whole building’s worth of appliances and electronics, so contact Titan Electrical today about installing a whole-house circuit breaker.
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